So Christmas is coming up, which means a bunch of friends and family popping over for the festive season. The last thing any of us want to deal with when we're met with this annual influx of visitors is a smelly bathroom. Foul odours in our bathrooms can cause guests to comment, and it's unpleasant for you as the housekeeper to deal with that issue each time you use your bathroom Plus, bad smells often become amplified in warmer weather, so let's find out how to deal with this Wellington plumbing problem before things heat up! If it still smells after a serious cleaning, then it's a plumbing problem
Perhaps water in your P-Trap has evaporated. Out of all the potential problems, this one is always the easiest to mend. It's a problem that usually occurs in seldom-used toilets, such as guest bathrooms or garage toilets. You might even find this issue occurs if you've gone away for a while: you come back from a vacation to find your toilet smelling absolutely awful. Behind your toilet you'll find a pipe that travels down and up again (the P-trap). This trap works to block sewage gasses so that they don't escape into the air of your home. It does this by staying full of gas-blocking water. Obviously, when this evaporates, you're going to know about it pretty quickly! Warm weather and time will evaporate this trap eventually, so all you really need to do is keep your toilets regularly flushed (both guest and regular) and bob's your uncle! Another potential reason for the bad odour is due to cracks in the vent pipe, which can allow odours to spread to your home. A plumber can detect and fix this easily with either a repair or a re-install if needed. Keep an eye out for more tips coming later this month that'll keep your toilet pleasant to use and guest-ready for the holidays! In need of help, talk to us at Maxey Plumbing & Gas Email - [email protected] Phone - 04 390 0135 Comments are closed.
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